How to Insert Navigation Menu inside a Page or a Post

In this Post I will share a technique which can be used to insert the Navigation Menu inside your content like Page or a Post. It is really simple and can be done without writing any code.

The Idea Behind

Well the concept is pretty simple. We will insert the navigation menu by embedding the Custom Menu widget inside our content. We will utilize the AMR Shortcode Widget plugin for this.

Here are the detailed instructions

1. Create a Custom Menu

First of all simple create a custom menu which you want to insert. Creating a custom menu is quite straightforward. Here is the official guide on creating Navigation Menus

2. Install the AMR ShortCode Widget Plugin

The Amr Shortcode widget plugin lets you insert any widget inside Page or Post content. Simply drag the custom menu widget to the ShortCode Sidebar . Now the custom menu widget can be inserted into any page you want.

Refer to this post for detailed instructions on configuring the AMR ShortCode Widget Plugin

3. Embed the Custom Menu Widget inside the content

You can now simple embed the menu using the short-code [ do_widget “custom menu”] and it will magically appear in your post. Here is the a screenshot for reference.

Custom Navigation Menu in a Page



Embedding a Navigation menu in a Page is really  easy all you need is a plugin and some basic WordPress Knowledge. If you guys have some more suggestions then pls share in the comments.

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